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Is it der, die or das Entourage?



The correct article in German of Entourage is die. So it is die Entourage! (nominative case)

The word Entourage is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Entourage?

How does the declension of Entourage work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Entourage die Entouragen
Genitive der Entourage der Entouragen
Dative der Entourage den Entouragen
Akkusative die Entourage die Entouragen

What is the meaning of Entourage in German?

Entourage is defined as:

[1] Those people who belong to the close environment of a person and who form their followers

[1] diejenigen Leute, die zum engen Umfeld einer Person gehören und die ihre Gefolgschaft bilden

How to use Entourage in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Entourage with translations in English.

[1] „Natürlich hätten nur Hitler und seine Entourage oder die Wehrmacht den Holocaust stoppen können.“

[1] "Of course only Hitler and his entourage or the Wehrmacht could have stopped the Holocaust"

[1] „Sechstausend Personen umfasste die Entourage des Sonnenkönigs, sechstausend Gäste, die standesgemäß bewirtet werden wollten!

[1] “Six thousand people included the entourage of the solar king, six thousand guests who wanted to be catered for in the stage

[1] „Seit Jahren läuft zwischen den beiden Herren eine Schlacht der Egos, bei der auch die jeweiligen Entouragen wacker mitmischen.“

[1] "A battle of the egos has been running between the two gentlemen for years, in which the respective entourages also play brave"

[1] „Seine Entourage bestand aus fünfzig von ihm selbst entlohnten Männern, unzähligen Pferden, Maultieren und Hunden sowie zeitweilig einigen Elefanten und Kamelen.“

[1] "His entourage consisted of fifty men he was rewarded with himself, countless horses, mules and dogs as well as temporarily some elephants and camels" "