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Is it der, die or das Enkel?



The correct article in German of Enkel is der. So it is der Enkel! (nominative case)

The word Enkel is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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Context 1

German declension of Enkel?

How does the declension of Enkel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Enkel die Enkel
Genitive des Enkels der Enkel
Dative dem Enkel den Enkeln
Akkusative den Enkel die Enkel

What is the meaning of Enkel in German?

Enkel has various definitions in German:

[1] (male) child of their own son or their own daughter

[1] (männliches) Kind des eigenen Sohnes oder der eigenen Tochter

[2] Second generation male descendant, which desbs from another person

[2] männlicher Nachfahre der zweiten Generation, der von einer anderen Person abstammt

How to use Enkel in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Enkel with translations in English.

[1] Mein Enkel geht noch zur Schule.

[1] My grandson still goes to school.

[1] „In einer der ältesten hauste die alte Maruschka mit Kindern und Enkeln, ein verhutzeltes, zitteriges Weiblein.“[3]

[1] "In one of the elders, the old Marushka with children and grandchildren, a wintered, shaky female woman" [3]

[1] „Manchmal ging er mit seinem Enkel spazieren.“[4]

[1] "Sometimes he went with his grandson for a walk" [4]

[2] In die Kinder investiert man, und die Enkel sind die Rendite.

[2] In the children you invest, and the grandchildren are the returnees

[2] „Die Verachtung, die Friedrich der Große unserer Literatur angedeihen ließ, muß sogar uns Enkel noch verdrießen.“[5]

[2] "The contempt that Friedrich did the greatness of our literature must even smell us grandson nor ease" [5]

Is it der, die or das Enkel?



The correct article in German of Enkel is der. So it is der Enkel! (nominative case)

The word Enkel is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Context 2

German declension of Enkel?

How does the declension of Enkel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Enkel die Enkel
Genitive des Enkels der Enkel
Dative dem Enkel den Enkeln
Akkusative den Enkel die Enkel

What is the meaning of Enkel in German?

Enkel has various definitions in German:

[1] Landscape, especially Ostoberdeutsch, West Central German, North German and South Africa (Kwazulu-Natal): The project-related bones on the foot

[1] landschaftlich, besonders ostoberdeutsch, westmitteldeutsch, norddeutsch sowie Südafrika (KwaZulu-Natal): der am Fußansatz befindliche vorspringende Knochen

[2] South Africa (Kwazulu-Natal): The joint connecting the foot with the lower leg

[2] Südafrika (KwaZulu-Natal): das den Fuß mit dem Unterschenkel verbindende Gelenk

How to use Enkel in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Enkel with translations in English.

[1, 2] „Er hat sich den Enkel verstaucht.“[7]

[1, 2] "He has sprained the grandson" [7]

[1] „Der rechte Fuß knickte um und ich hatte den Enkel gebrochen. Aus, vorbei! Wieder ein paar Wochen Spital.“[8]

[1] "The right foot was kinked and I had broken the grandson, over, past a few weeks of hospital." [8]

[1] „Beim Schorren verknackst’ ich mir den Enkel und immer, wenn ich Schlittschuh laufen lernte, kam Tauwetter, und die Tannen auf der Schloßteichbahn standen schräg übergekippt, wie lebensmüde Romanheldinnen, im Wasser, in dem die Bänke schwammen.“[9]

[1] "I'm crushing the grandson and always, when I learned to run ice skate, came Tauwetter, and the firs on the castle lane stood obliquely over tipped, like lifeless romanhaves, in the water in which the benches swung" [9 ]