Is it der, die or das Endlosschleife?
The correct article in German of Endlosschleife is die. So it is die Endlosschleife! (nominative case)
The word Endlosschleife is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Endlosschleife?
How does the declension of Endlosschleife work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Endlosschleife | die Endlosschleifen |
Genitive | der Endlosschleife | der Endlosschleifen |
Dative | der Endlosschleife | den Endlosschleifen |
Akkusative | die Endlosschleife | die Endlosschleifen |
What is the meaning of Endlosschleife in German?
Endlosschleife is defined as:
[1] Computer science: loop, the termination condition of which never occurs, which means that it is endlessly passed through
[1] Informatik: Schleife, deren Abbruchbedingung niemals eintritt, wodurch sie endlos weiter durchlaufen wirdHow to use Endlosschleife in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Endlosschleife with translations in English.
[1] Da ich darauf vergessen hatte die Abbruchbedingung zu definieren, geriet das Programm in eine Endlosschleife.
[1] Since I forgot to define the demolition condition, the program got into an endless loop[1] „Was sich in jeder anderen Stadt Kompromiss nennt, endet in Berlin in der Endlosschleife des Kuddelmuddels.“
[1] "What is called compromise in every other city ends in Berlin in the endless loop of the Kuddelmuddele" "[1] „Die Forscher schlagen einen einfachen Patch vor, der dafür sorgt, dass die Boot-Sequenz in eine Endlosschleife läuft, wenn bei der Passworteingabe die maximale Anzahl der möglichen Versuche ausgereizt wurde.“
[1] "The researchers suggest a simple patch that ensures that the boot sequence runs into an endless loop if the maximum number of possible tests have been exhausted when entering the password"