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Is it der, die or das Emigration?



The correct article in German of Emigration is die. So it is die Emigration! (nominative case)

The word Emigration is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Emigration?

How does the declension of Emigration work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Emigration die Emigrationen
Genitive der Emigration der Emigrationen
Dative der Emigration den Emigrationen
Akkusative die Emigration die Emigrationen

What is the meaning of Emigration in German?

Emigration has various definitions in German:

[1] Permanent emigration to another country

[1] dauerhafte Auswanderung in ein anderes Land

[2] Land, the goal of emigration is

[2] Land, das Ziel der Auswanderung ist

[3] The people who emigrated

[3] die Personen, die ausgewandert sind

How to use Emigration in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Emigration with translations in English.

[1] Deutschland hat in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus viele Intellektuelle durch Emigration verloren.

In the period of National Socialism, Germany has lost many intellectuals through emigration

[1] „Brecht kam nach seiner Emigration in die USA auch nach Zürich, und wir Theaterkritiker wohnten im selben Hotel, dem Hotel Urban, in einer lauten, lärmenden Nebenstraße in der Nähe des Schauspielhauses.“

[1] "Brecht also came to Zurich after his emigration to the USA, and we theater critics lived in the same hotel, the Hotel Urban, in a loud, noisy side street near the Schauspielhaussh" "

[1] „Dass sie plötzlich nur noch von Prag und nicht mehr von Wien aus regiert wurden, trieb sie nicht in die Emigration.“

[1] "The fact that suddenly they were only ruled by Prague and no longer from Vienna did not drive them to the emigration" "

[1] „So empfand es auch Stefan Heym, der als amerikanischer Propaganda-Soldat aus der Emigration nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt war.“

[1] "This is how Stefan Heym, who, as an American propaganda soldier, has been seen from emigration to Germany"

[1] „Während eines Waldspazierganges am nächsten Tag redeten sie detailliert über die Emigration.“

[1] "During a forest walk the next day, they talked in detail about the emigration" "

[2] In der Emigration trafen sich viele Vertriebene wieder.

[2] In emigration, many displaced people met again

[3] Die Emigration organisierte eigene Publikationen in ihrer Muttersprache.

[3] Emigration organized its own publications in their mother tongue

[3] „Kühl, überlegt und wirkungsvoll spaltete er die sudetendeutsche Emigration.“

[3] "Cool, carefully and effectively split the Sudeten German Emigration" "

[3] „So wie sie in diesen Romanen geschildert werden, verliefen auch die Fluchtwellen der deutschen Emigration.“

[3] "As they are described in these novels, the fleeing waves of the German Emigration" also went "