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Is it der, die or das Elite?



The correct article in German of Elite is die. So it is die Elite! (nominative case)

The word Elite is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Elite?

How does the declension of Elite work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Elite die Eliten
Genitive der Elite der Eliten
Dative der Elite den Eliten
Akkusative die Elite die Eliten

What is the meaning of Elite in German?

Elite is defined as:

[1] Small group that has a socially very high position

[1] kleine Gruppe, die eine sozial sehr hohe Stellung hat

How to use Elite in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Elite with translations in English.

[1] An den deutschen Universitäten sollen sich die Eliten von morgen herausbilden.

[1] The elites of tomorrow should develop at the German universities

[1] „Was die Eliten verbockt haben, soll das Volk ins Lot bringen.“

[1] "What the elites have dried up should bring the people into the solder"

[1] Der Philosoph Konrad Paul Liessmann hat kein Lob für die Eliten übrig.

[1] The philosopher Konrad Paul Liessmann has no praise for the elites

[1] „Zumindest in Österreich-Ungarn und Rußland scheint die dortige innenpolitische Dauerkrise die Bereitschaft unter den Eliten erhöht zu haben, der Endzeitstimmung durch den Schritt zum Krieg zu entkommen.“

[1] "At least in Austria-Hungary and Russia, the permanent domestic political crisis there seems to have increased the willingness among the elites, to deprive the final mood through the step to the war"

[1] „Für die Ausübung ihrer Macht waren die Kolonialstaaten daher auf lokale Eliten angewiesen, an die sie Herrschafts- und Rechtsprechungsbefugnisse übertrugen.“

[1] "For the exercise of their power, the colonial states were therefore dependent on local elites to which they transferred power and case law"