Is it der, die or das Eleve?
The correct article in German of Eleve is der. So it is der Eleve! (nominative case)
The word Eleve is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The word belongs to the jargon of artistic profession. Anyone who calls an apprentice or student as Eleven considers the skill that it learns as art.
German declension of Eleve?
How does the declension of Eleve work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Eleve | die Eleven |
Genitive | des Eleven | der Eleven |
Dative | dem Eleven | den Eleven |
Akkusative | den Eleven | die Eleven |
What is the meaning of Eleve in German?
Eleve has various definitions in German:
[1] Students at acting and ballet schools
[1] Schüler an Schauspiel- und Ballettschulen[2] prospective farmers and foresters during their practical training
[2] angehende Land- und Forstwirte während ihrer praktischen Ausbildung[3] Observed: Students
[3] veraltet: SchülerHow to use Eleve in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Eleve with translations in English.
[1] „Der Eleve, der von der Schauspielschule kommt, ist bei den Schauspielern meistens eine lächerliche oder verachtete Figur.“
[1] "The Eleve, who comes from the drama school, is usually a ridiculous or despised figure among the actors"[1] „Die Auswahl richtet sich nach den Rollenarbeiten der Eleven, denn natürlich braucht man für Klassik einen anderen sprachlichen Duktus als für einen Text von Thomas Bernhard.“
[1] "The selection depends on the role work of the Eleven, because of course you need a different linguistic style for classic than for a text by Thomas Bernhardä"[2]
[2][3] „Ein weiteres wesentliches Prinzip des Lernens nach dem konstruvistischen Ansatz ist es, den Eleven die spätere Brauchbarkeit und Bedeutung des zu erlernenden Wissens zu verdeutlichen, indem reale und authentische Situationen gewählt werden.“
[3] "Another essential principle of learning according to the constructistic approach is to clarify the later usability and meaning of the knowledge to be learned by choosing real and authentic situations"