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Is it der, die or das Eleganz?



The correct article in German of Eleganz is die. So it is die Eleganz! (nominative case)

The word Eleganz is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Eleganz?

How does the declension of Eleganz work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Eleganz
Genitive der Eleganz
Dative der Eleganz
Akkusative die Eleganz

What is the meaning of Eleganz in German?

Eleganz has various definitions in German:

[1] dexterity, grace

[1] Gewandtheit, Anmut

[2] Tasteful and fashionable equipment

[2] geschmackvolle und modische Ausstattung

[3] cultivation

[3] Kultiviertheit

How to use Eleganz in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Eleganz with translations in English.

[1] Der Sprung der Badenixe vom Dreimeterbrett war voller Eleganz.

[1] The jump of the bathing mixes from the three -meter board was full of elegant

[2] Die Eleganz seiner Abendgarderobe ließ nichts zu wünschen übrig.

[2] The elegance of his evening wear leaving nothing to be desired

[2] Sie kleidet sich mit lässiger Eleganz.

[2] It dresses with a casual elegant

[2] „Besonders von der Eleganz des Foyers und der geschwungenen Treppenhäuser waren die jungen Fotografinnen begeistert.“

[2] "Especially the elegance of the foyer and the curved stairwells were enthusiastic about the young photographers"

[3] Gerade die Passage über die Rückkehr auf den elterlichen Hof ist mit brillanter Eleganz formuliert.

[3] The passage about returning to the parental farm is formulated with brilliant elegance

[3] „Die Gesetze der Eleganz umfassten unter anderem das Deutsch-Sprechen zu Hause, auch wenn die Eckerts abstammungsmäßig näher an den Polen waren.“

[3] "The laws of elegance included, among other things, German speaking at home, even if the Eckerts in line with the Poland Ware" "