Is it der, die or das Einwohner?

The correct article in German of Einwohner is der. So it is der Einwohner! (nominative case)
The word Einwohner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Einwohner?
How does the declension of Einwohner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Einwohner | die Einwohner |
Genitive | des Einwohners | der Einwohner |
Dative | dem Einwohner | den Einwohnern |
Akkusative | den Einwohner | die Einwohner |
What is the meaning of Einwohner in German?
Einwohner is defined as:
[1] a person permanently residing in a specific, demarcated administrative unit, a countable element of the population
[1] eine Person, die fest eine bestimmte, abgegrenzte Verwaltungseinheit bewohnt, ein zählbares Element von BevölkerungHow to use Einwohner in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Einwohner with translations in English.
[1] Die Stadt Soundso hat 50.000 Einwohner.
[1] The city of So-and-so has a population of 50,000.[1] Die Menge aller Einwohner einer Wohneinheit (Dorf, Stadt, Gemeinde, Kreis, Bezirk, Kanton, Bundesland, Land, Erdteil, Welt) nennt man Bevölkerung.
[1] The total of all inhabitants of a residential unit (village, city, municipality, district, district, canton, federal state, country, continent, world) is called population.[1] „Rund 250000 Einwohner und Flüchtlinge kauerten hinter den Mauern, in den Lagern lagen Schwerverwundete.“[2]
[1] "Around 250,000 residents and refugees crouched behind the walls, and there were seriously wounded people in the camps" [2][1] „Das kleine Städtchen Ilulissat liegt 250 Kilometer nördlich des Polarkreises, hat fünftausend Einwohner und ebenso viele Schlittenhunde, einhundert angemeldete Autos, aber keine Ampel.“[3]
[1] "The small town of Ilulissat is 250 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, has five thousand inhabitants and just as many sled dogs, one hundred registered cars, but no traffic lights." [3][1] „Das Kurfürstentum Sachsen hatte in Seumes Geburtsjahr rund 1 635 000 Einwohner, 50000 weniger als vor dem Siebenjährigen Krieg.“[4]
[1] "The Electorate of Saxony had around 1,635,000 inhabitants in Seume's year of birth, 50,000 fewer than before the Seven Years' War." [4][1] „Für Europa schätzt man um 1600 rund 100 Millionen Einwohner, für Amerika vor den Reisen des Columbus etwa 10 Millionen Einwohner.“[5]
[1] "Europe is estimated to have around 100 million inhabitants around 1600, and America around 10 million inhabitants before the journeys of Columbus ." [5]