Is it der, die or das Eiland?
The correct article in German of Eiland is das. So it is das Eiland! (nominative case)
The word Eiland is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Eiland?
How does the declension of Eiland work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Eiland | die Eilande |
Genitive | des Eilandes des Eilands | der Eilande |
Dative | dem Eiland dem Eilande | den Eilanden |
Akkusative | das Eiland | die Eilande |
What is the meaning of Eiland in German?
Eiland is defined as:
[1] Poetic: Island
[1] poetisch: InselHow to use Eiland in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Eiland with translations in English.
[1] Rottum ist nur ein Eiland.
[1] Rottum is only an Eilande[1] „Das Eiland war unbewohnt gewesen, als portugiesische Seefahrer es 1470 entdeckten.“
[1] "The Eiland had been uninhabited when Portuguese seafarers discovered it in 1470"[1] „Die Auswanderer wissen nur ungefähr, wo sich das verheißungsvolle Eiland befindet, denn Kompass und Seekarten kennen sie nicht.“
[1] "The emigrants only know about where the promising island is, because they don't know compass and nautical charts"[1] „Das Eiland würde dadurch nicht schöner, die Welfare aber größer.“
[1] "The Eiland would not be more beautiful, but the welfare is larger"[1] „Wir brechen am frühen Morgen zu den Eilanden auf.“
[1] "We break the rush in the early morning"