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Is it der, die or das Eierstock?



The correct article in German of Eierstock is der. So it is der Eierstock! (nominative case)

The word Eierstock is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Eierstock?

How does the declension of Eierstock work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Eierstock die Eierstöcke
Genitive des Eierstocks des Eierstockes der Eierstöcke
Dative dem Eierstock den Eierstöcken
Akkusative den Eierstock die Eierstöcke

What is the meaning of Eierstock in German?

Eierstock is defined as:

[1] Paired, primary, female genital organ in animals

[1] paarig angelegtes, primäres, weibliches Geschlechtsorgan bei Tieren

How to use Eierstock in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Eierstock with translations in English.

[1] In den Eierstöcken werden die Eizellen gebildet.

[1] The egg cells are formed in the ovaries

[1] „Der Eierstock […] produziert die weiblichen Hormone und die Eizellen, die vom Eileiter […] aufgefangen werden, wo die Befruchtung stattfindet.“

[1] "The ovary [...] produces the female hormones and the egg cells that are collected by the fallopian tube [...] where fertilization takes place"

[1] „Sie lernten, zu was der Hoden nutze war, die Funktion der Eierstöcke, und was es mit den Follikeln auf sich hatte.“

[1] "They learned what the testicles used to use, the function of the ovaries, and what the follicles were all about"

[1] „Eierstöcke, optimal in Szene gesetzt und illuminiert, könnten so aussehen.“

[1] "Earfocks, optimally staged and illuminated, could look like this"