Is it der, die or das Edition?
The correct article in German of Edition is die. So it is die Edition! (nominative case)
The word Edition is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Edition?
How does the declension of Edition work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Edition | die Editionen |
Genitive | der Edition | der Editionen |
Dative | der Edition | den Editionen |
Akkusative | die Edition | die Editionen |
What is the meaning of Edition in German?
Edition is defined as:
[1] Edition or edition of books, among other things,
[1] Auflage oder Ausgabe unter anderem von BüchernHow to use Edition in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Edition with translations in English.
[1] Er besitzt die letzten 10 Editionen des Duden.
[1] He has the last 10 editions of the Dudenä[1] „Während diese in ihren Editionen des volkstümlichen mündlichen Erzähl- und Liedgutes die Spuren ihrer Anwesenheit bei der Aufzeichnung zu tilgen suchten, stellt Borrow seine Person in den Mittelpunkt.“
[1] "While in their editions of the popular oral narrative and songs, they were looking for the traces of their presence in the recording, Borrow puts his person in the center" "[1] „Die vorliegende vollständige und originalgetreue deutsche Erstausgabe der Memoiren Casanovas beruht auf der oben beschriebenen Edition des Verlages F. A. Brockhaus.“
[1] "The present full and faithful German first edition of the memoirs Casanovas is based on the edition of the publisher Fä A. Brockhaus described above."