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Is it der, die or das Dünung?



The correct article in German of Dünung is die. So it is die Dünung! (nominative case)

The word Dünung is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Dünung?

How does the declension of Dünung work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Dünung die Dünungen
Genitive der Dünung der Dünungen
Dative der Dünung den Dünungen
Akkusative die Dünung die Dünungen

What is the meaning of Dünung in German?

Dünung is defined as:

[1] Welle that does not originate from current events such as wind etc

[1] Welle, die nicht von aktuellen Ereignissen wie Wind etc. herrührt

How to use Dünung in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Dünung with translations in English.

[1] Den nach Abflauen des Windes noch auslaufenden Seegang bezeichnet man als Dünung oder auch Schwell.

[1] The seagang, which is still expiring after the wind, is known as the dune or Schwellä

[1] „Er trat in den Morgendunst hinaus und ließ seine Augen über die Bucht schweifen, wo jetzt 15 Schiffe in der relativ ruhigen Dünung jenseits der Brecher dümpelten.“

[1] "He stepped out into the morning dung and let his eyes wander over the bay, where 15 ships in the relatively quiet dune beyond the crusher Dümpeltenä" "

[1] „Die Dünung war vollständig eingeschlafen.“

[1] "The dune was completely fell asleep"

[1] „Als alles fertig war, wirkte die Dünung ziemlich heftig, und die Wellen schienen von Sturm zu künden.“

[1] "When everything was finished, the dune looked quite violent, and the waves seemed from storm to the storm"

Pictures or photos of Dünung
