Is it der, die or das Donnerstagmorgen?
The correct article in German of Donnerstagmorgen is der. So it is der Donnerstagmorgen! (nominative case)
The word Donnerstagmorgen is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Donnerstagmorgen?
How does the declension of Donnerstagmorgen work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Donnerstagmorgen | die Donnerstagmorgen |
Genitive | des Donnerstagmorgens | der Donnerstagmorgen |
Dative | dem Donnerstagmorgen | den Donnerstagmorgen |
Akkusative | den Donnerstagmorgen | die Donnerstagmorgen |
What is the meaning of Donnerstagmorgen in German?
Donnerstagmorgen is defined as:
[1] The morning of a Thursday
[1] der Morgen eines DonnerstagesHow to use Donnerstagmorgen in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Donnerstagmorgen with translations in English.
[1] Ich hole dich Donnerstagmorgen zu Hause ab.
[1] I'll get you at home on Thursday morning[1] Die Hektik des Donnerstagmorgens durch früheres Aufstehen zu verhindern, gelingt mir nie.
[1] I succeed in preventing the hustle and bustle of Thursday morning by getting up earlier[1] Oft kommt es an Donnerstagmorgen zu Staus in der Straße vor unserem Firmenparkhaus.
Often there are traffic jams on Thursday morning in the street in front of our company parking index[1] „Es war ein kühler Donnerstagmorgen und fast die gesamte Strecke musste ich gegen einen sturmartigen Gegenwind antreten.“
[1] "It was a cool Thursday morning and almost the entire route I had to compete against a stubborn headwind"[1] „Die europäische Großforschungseinrichtung Cern in Genf unterzieht den weltgrößten Teilchenbeschleuniger einer Generalüberholung: Am Donnerstagmorgen hat das Cern damit begonnen, den Beschleuniger herunterzufahren.“
[1] "The European major research institution in Geneva subjects the world's largest particle accelerator to a general overhaul: On Thursday morning, CERN began to shut down the accelerator"