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Is it der, die or das Domizil?



The correct article in German of Domizil is das. So it is das Domizil! (nominative case)

The word Domizil is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Domizil?

How does the declension of Domizil work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Domizil die Domizile
Genitive des Domizils der Domizile
Dative dem Domizil den Domizilen
Akkusative das Domizil die Domizile

What is the meaning of Domizil in German?

Domizil has various definitions in German:

[1] residence

[1] Wohnsitz

[2] Payment location

[2] Zahlungsort

How to use Domizil in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Domizil with translations in English.

[1] Sein Domizil liegt am Meer.

[1] His domicile lies on the sea

[1] „Auf der Suche nach meinem neuen Domizil begann ich, in die nähere Umgebung Jerichos zu fahren und dort, unter den einzelnen in die Landschaft gestreuten Häusern, Ausschau zu halten.“

[1] "In search of my new domicile, I started to drive into the surrounding area of ​​Jerichos and, there, under the individual houses scattered into the landscape, to keep an eye out"

[1] „Wir erreichten unser neues Domizil bei Nacht.“

[1] "We reached our new domicile at Nachtä"

[1] „Vielleicht benutzte sie dieses Domizil für Begegnungen solcher Art.“

[1] "Perhaps she used this domicile for encounters of such art" "

[1] „Serana bewohnte die beiden großen Hinterzimmer eines vormals großherrschaftlichen Domizils, in dessen zwei kleinen Vorderräumen Frau Michelsen logierte, eine jugendliche Witwe, die ihren Unterhalt mit Schneidern verdiente.“

[1] "Serana lived in the two large back rooms of a formerly large domicile, in whose two small front rooms Ms. Michelsen, a youthful widow who deserves their maintenance with tailors"

