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Is it der, die or das Dollar?



The correct article in German of Dollar is der. So it is der Dollar! (nominative case)

The word Dollar is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Plural 1 should be used when quoting a price, plural 2 when it is a question of money.

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German declension of Dollar?

How does the declension of Dollar work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural 1 Plural 2
Nominative der Dollar die Dollar die Dollars
Genitive des Dollars der Dollar der Dollars
Dative dem Dollar den Dollar den Dollarn den Dollars
Akkusative den Dollar die Dollar die Dollars

What is the meaning of Dollar in German?

Dollar is defined as:

[1] Means of payment: unit of currency in different countries

[1] Zahlungsmittel: Währungseinheit in verschiedenen Staaten

How to use Dollar in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Dollar with translations in English.

[1] Diese Jeans kostet 25 Dollar.

[1] These jeans cost 25 dollars

[1] Sie warf mehrere Dollars auf den Tisch.

[1] She threw several dollars on the table.

[1] „Mehr als 370 Mrd. Dollar Währungsreserven hat Brasilien angehäuft.“[2]

[1] "Brazil has amassed more than 370 billion dollars in currency reserves." [2]

[1] „Und ich saß da, um sechzig Dollar ärmer, und hatte ein Stück Papier in der Hand.“[3]

[1] “And I sat there, sixty dollars poorer, with a piece of paper in my hand” [3]

[1] „Ich bekam eine Kopie meines Lehrlingsvertrags, zusammen mit einer Summe von zehn Dollar, die mir vermutlich Sir Thomas Hardy zukommen ließ.“[4]

[1] "I got a copy of my apprenticeship contract, along with a sum of ten dollars, which Sir Thomas Hardy probably sent to me ." [4]

[1] „Mr. Lane drückte auf den Knopf der Ladenkasse und holte einen halben Dollar aus dem Fach.“[5]

[1] "Mr. Lane pressed the button on the cash register and took half a dollar out of the compartment." [5]

Pictures or photos of Dollar

[1] Dollars
[1] Dollars