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Is it der, die or das Dividende?



The correct article in German of Dividende is die. So it is die Dividende! (nominative case)

The word Dividende is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Dividende?

How does the declension of Dividende work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Dividende die Dividenden
Genitive der Dividende der Dividenden
Dative der Dividende den Dividenden
Akkusative die Dividende die Dividenden

What is the meaning of Dividende in German?

Dividende is defined as:

[1] Economy: share of the earnings (profit) in the balance sheet profit of a company paid to the owners of a company ; mostly in the legal form of a stock corporation or cooperative

[1] Wirtschaft: an die Eigentümer eines Unternehmens ausgezahlter Ertragsanteil (Gewinn) am Bilanzgewinn eines Unternehmens; meist in der Rechtsform einer Aktiengesellschaft oder Genossenschaft

How to use Dividende in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Dividende with translations in English.

[1] DaimlerChrysler zahlt eine Dividende von 0,70 Euro pro Aktie.

[1] DaimlerChrysler pays a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share

[1] „Mastercard erfreut seine Aktionäre. Der Finanzdienstleister will seine Dividende kräftig aufstocken und einen Aktiensplit vornehmen, wie er am Dienstagabend mitteilte.“[3]

[1] "Mastercard delights its shareholders. The financial services provider wants to significantly increase its dividend and undertake a share split, as it announced on Tuesday evening." [3]

[1] „Der freie Cashflow nach Dividenden ging um drei Viertel auf 263 Mio. Euro zurück, der organische freie Cashflow (abzüglich Investitionen und Akquisitionen) nach Dividenden legte um 44 Prozent auf 1,715 Mrd. Euro zu.“[4]

[1] "The free cash flow after dividends fell by three quarters to EUR 263 million, the organic free cash flow (minus investments and acquisitions) after dividends increased by 44 percent to EUR 1.715 billion." [4]