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Is it der, die or das Diskretion?



The correct article in German of Diskretion is die. So it is die Diskretion! (nominative case)

The word Diskretion is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Diskretion?

How does the declension of Diskretion work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Diskretion
Genitive der Diskretion
Dative der Diskretion
Akkusative die Diskretion

What is the meaning of Diskretion in German?

Diskretion has various definitions in German:

[1] Something related secrecy, secrecy or confidentiality

[1] auf etwas Bestimmtes bezogene Verschwiegenheit, Geheimhaltung oder Vertraulichkeit

[2] Tact, consideration

[2] Takt, Rücksichtnahme

[3] Reference to be the property not to be intrusive

[3] Zurückhaltung; die Eigenschaft, nicht aufdringlich zu sein

How to use Diskretion in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Diskretion with translations in English.

[1] Bezüglich der Affäre meiner Frau mit Ihrem Geschäftsführer zähle ich auf die Diskretion Ihres Hauses.

[1] With regard to my wife's affair with her managing director, I count on the discretion of your house

[1] In dieser Angelegenheit wurden wir um äußerste Diskretion gebeten.

[1] In this matter we were asked for extreme discretion

[1] „In den Hotels war er zur Diskretion erzogen worden.“

[1] "In the hotels he had been raised to discretion"

[2] Weil die Diskretion es gebot, wurde auf dem Empfang des Botschafters nach den Einzelheiten des neuesten Skandals im Königshause nicht gefragt.

[2] Because discretion was bid, at the reception of the ambassador was not required for the details of the latest scandal in the royal house

[2] „Sie mußte mir zürnen, denn da ich ihr Spiel enthüllt hatte, war ich des Mangels an Diskretion schuldig geworden.“

[2] "She had to be angry with me, because since I had revealed her game, I was guilty of discretion"

[3] Unser Personal ist die Diskretion in Person. Es fiele niemals jemandem ein, an der Tür zu lauschen.

[3] Our staff is discretion in person. It never failed to listen to someone at the door.

[3] Von der Diskretion, die die Butler im Beisein der Herrschaften an den Tag legten, war hinter verschlossenen Türen nichts mehr zu merken.

[3] From the discretion that the butler showed in the presence of the gentlemen, nothing was noticeable behind closed doors

[3] „Unserer grundsätzlich kollektiven Diskretion entsprach Wotans individuelle Zurückhaltung, persönliche Gefühle zu äußern.“

[3] "Our fundamentally collective discretion corresponded to Wotan's individual reluctance to express personal feelings"