Is it der, die or das Diner?
The correct article in German of Diner is das. So it is das Diner! (nominative case)
The word Diner is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
Context 1
German declension of Diner?
How does the declension of Diner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Diner | die Diners |
Genitive | des Diners | der Diners |
Dative | dem Diner | den Diners |
Akkusative | das Diner | die Diners |
What is the meaning of Diner in German?
Diner has various definitions in German:
[1] Supported: multi -course meals for lunch or in the evening, which takes place in a festive framework
[1] gehoben: mehrgängiges Mahl zu Mittag oder am Abend, das in einem festlichen Rahmen stattfindet[2] France: Main meal of the day that is taken in the evening
[2] Frankreich: Hauptmahlzeit des Tages, die am Abend eingenommen wirdHow to use Diner in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Diner with translations in English.
[1] Wir bedauern es sehr, das letzte Diner in eurem Hause verpasst zu haben.
[1] We very much regret to have missed the last diner in your house[1] „Es gibt feierliche und übermütige Diners, der junge Grundeis hat ausgezeichnet vorgesorgt.“
[1] "There are solemn and high -spirited Diners, the young basic ice cream was excellent at concern"[1] „Es war die Zeit vor dem Diner, wo die Gäste erwarten, jeden Augenblick an das Büfett mit den Vorspeisen gebeten zu werden, und daher kein langes Gespräch mehr anknüpfen, aber es doch für nötig halten, sich zu bewegen und zu plaudern, um damit zu zeigen, dass sie keineswegs ungeduldig darauf warten, zu Tisch gehen zu können.“
[1] “It was the time in front of the diner where the guests expect to be asked to be asked to get the buffet with the starters at any moment, and therefore no longer build on a long conversation, but still consider it necessary to move and chat to show that they are by no means waiting impatient to go to the table "[1] „Es war kurz nach diesem Diner beim Prinzen, daß in Berlin bekannt wurde, der König werde noch vor Schluß der Woche von Potsdam herüberkommen, um auf dem Tempelhofer Felde eine große Revue zu halten.“
[1] "Shortly after this diner was known to the prince that in Berlin that the king would come from Potsdam before the week to hold a big revue in Tempelhofer Feld" "[2]
[2]Is it der, die or das Diner?
The correct article in German of Diner is der. So it is der Diner! (nominative case)
The word Diner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 2
German declension of Diner?
How does the declension of Diner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Diner | die Diner |
Genitive | des Diners | der Diner |
Dative | dem Diner | den Dinern |
Akkusative | den Diner | die Diner |
What is the meaning of Diner in German?
Diner is defined as:
[1] Gastronomy: simple restaurant in the USA
[1] Gastronomie: einfaches Restaurant in den USAHow to use Diner in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Diner with translations in English.
[1] „Seit elf Jahren arbeitet sie Vollzeit im Diner, derzeit beträgt ihr Stundenlohn 4,05 Dollar.“
[1] "She has been working full -time in the diner for eleven years, her hourly wage is currently $ 4.05"[1] „In den Dinern, die es an fast jeder Ecke des Big Apple gibt, brutzeln die Eggs-over-easy.“
[1] "In the Dinern, which is available on almost every corner of the Big Apple, the Eggs-over-Easyä" sizzle "