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Is it der, die or das Diagnose?



The correct article in German of Diagnose is die. So it is die Diagnose! (nominative case)

The word Diagnose is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Diagnose?

How does the declension of Diagnose work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Diagnose die Diagnosen
Genitive der Diagnose der Diagnosen
Dative der Diagnose den Diagnosen
Akkusative die Diagnose die Diagnosen

What is the meaning of Diagnose in German?

Diagnose has various definitions in German:

[1] Medicine: Determination of a physical or mental illness by a doctor or psychotherapist in the professions of health (doctor, carer, physiotherapist, psychologist) the exact assignment of findings

[1] Medizin: Bestimmung einer körperlichen oder psychischen Krankheit durch einen Arzt oder Psychotherapeuten; in Berufen der Gesundheit (Arzt, Pfleger, Physiotherapeut, Psychologe) die genaue Zuordnung von Befunden

[2] In the broader sense: assignment of a phenomenon to a category

[2] im weiteren Sinn: Zuordnung eines Phänomens zu einer Kategorie

How to use Diagnose in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Diagnose with translations in English.

[1] Der Befund der Bluttests führte zu einer unheilvollen Diagnose.

[1] The finding of the blood tests led to an ominous diagnosis

[1] Den Vorwürfen der Anklagevertreter, der frühere Chefarzt und Klinikleiter habe eine unzureichende Diagnose gestellt und Fehler bei der Operation begangen, folgte das Gericht nicht.

[1] The accusations of the indictment representatives that the former chief physician and clinic manager had made an inadequate diagnosis and made mistakes in the operation, the court did not follow

[1] „Ich würde die Diagnose gerne geheim halten.“

[1] "I would like to hold the diagnosis secret"

[1] „Diskussionen über die Diagnose helfen weder ihm noch seinem Patienten.“

[1] "Discussions about the diagnosis do not help or his patient" "

[2] Führe bitte eine Diagnose des Netzwerkes durch.

[2] Please lead a diagnosis of the network

[2] „Doch die Diagnose muss in keinem Desaster enden.“

[2] "But the diagnosis does not have to be in any disaster"