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Is it der, die or das Demut?



The correct article in German of Demut is die. So it is die Demut! (nominative case)

The word Demut is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Demut?

How does the declension of Demut work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Demut
Genitive der Demut
Dative der Demut
Akkusative die Demut

What is the meaning of Demut in German?

Demut has various definitions in German:

[1] Religion: Above all, religiously shaped mentality, in which man, in knowledge of their own imperfection, submits to the divine will

[1] Religion: vor allem religiös geprägte Geisteshaltung, bei der sich der Mensch in Erkenntnis der eigenen Unvollkommenheit dem göttlichen Willen unterwirft

[2] to withdraw your own interests towards a higher power or to a community

[2] das Zurückzunehmen der eigenen Interessen gegenüber einer höheren Macht oder gegenüber einer Gemeinschaft

How to use Demut in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Demut with translations in English.

[1] Was nützt es in Demut zu wandeln, wenn man nicht weiß wohin?

[1] What use is to convert in humility if you don't know where

[1] „Zur Anmut gehören Beiläufigkeit, Ungekünsteltheit, Nonchalance, Sprezzatura; und wenn sie in Begleitung ihrer Schwester, der Demut, auftritt, ist sie unbesiegbar.“

[1] "The grace includes compliance, inconspicuousness, nonchalance, spraying and if she accompanied her sister, humility, she is invalid" "

[1] „Der Mangel an Demut ist es, worüber sich Isaac Asimov bitterlich beklagt.“

[1] "The lack of humility is what Isaac Asimov is bitter about"

