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Is it der, die or das Demonstration?



The correct article in German of Demonstration is die. So it is die Demonstration! (nominative case)

The word Demonstration is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.

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German declension of Demonstration?

How does the declension of Demonstration work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative die Demonstration die Demonstrationen
Genitive der Demonstration der Demonstrationen
Dative der Demonstration den Demonstrationen
Akkusative die Demonstration die Demonstrationen

What is the meaning of Demonstration in German?

Demonstration has various definitions in German:

[1] Public appearance of people for the purpose of expression

[1] öffentlicher Auftritt von Personen zwecks Meinungsäußerung

[2] procedure to prove something in the sense of logic

[2] Verfahren, um etwas im Sinne der Logik zu beweisen

[3] procedure to show a fact

[3] Verfahren, um einen Sachverhalt aufzuzeigen

How to use Demonstration in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Demonstration with translations in English.

[1] Die Ostermärsche waren Demonstrationen für den Frieden.

[1] The Easter marches were demonstrations for the Peace

[1] „Auch in kleineren Städten kam es zu spontanen Kundgebungen und Demonstrationen.“

[1] "Even in smaller cities there were spontaneous rallies and demonstrations"

[1] „Es gab fast täglich Demonstrationen, die sich gelegentlich zu Massendemonstrationen ausweiteten.“

[1] "There were demonstrations almost daily, which occasionally expand into mass demonstrations"

[2] „(1. Prämisse) Alle Menschen sind sterblich. (2. Prämisse) Sokrates ist ein Mensch. =>(Konklusion) Sokrates ist sterblich.“ ist eine logische Demonstration.

[2] “(1A premise) All people are mortal. (2nd premise) Socrates is a person. => (Conclusion) Socrates is mortal. ”Is a logical demonstration.

[3] Ein Modell kann zur Demonstration für die Wirksamkeit geplanter Maßnahmen dienen.

[3] A model can serve to demonstrate for the effectiveness of planned measures

Pictures or photos of Demonstration

[1] eine Demonstration
[1] eine Demonstration