Is it der, die or das Delegation?
The correct article in German of Delegation is die. So it is die Delegation! (nominative case)
The word Delegation is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Delegation?
How does the declension of Delegation work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Delegation | die Delegationen |
Genitive | der Delegation | der Delegationen |
Dative | der Delegation | den Delegationen |
Akkusative | die Delegation | die Delegationen |
What is the meaning of Delegation in German?
Delegation has various definitions in German:
[1] Action to send someone or several people to a certain event in a representation
[1] Handlung, jemanden oder mehrere Personen vertretungsweise zu einer bestimmten Veranstaltung zu schicken[2] group of people affected by [1]
[2] Gruppe von Personen, die von [1] betroffen sind[3] Transfer of something (performance, right, ...)
[3] Übertragung von etwas (Leistung, Rechte, …)How to use Delegation in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Delegation with translations in English.
[1][2] „Doch die Fahrzeuge der Delegation, immerhin zwei Kleinbusse und mehrere Geländewagen, blieben nicht alle trocken.“
[2] "But the vehicles of the delegation, at least two minibuses and several off -road vehicles, not all dried" remained "[2] „Früh startete die Delegation aus Wirtschaftsbossen, Journalisten und Kulturgästen in Anoraks die Wanderung.“
[2] "The delegation from business bosses, journalists and cultural guests in Anoraks started early on"[2] „Es gibt auch Berichte von Delegationen aus der Provinz, die in Paris ihren Senator besucht haben.“
[2] "There are also reports from delegations from the province who visited their senator in Paris"[3]