Is it der, die or das Debüt?
The correct article in German of Debüt is das. So it is das Debüt! (nominative case)
The word Debüt is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Debüt?
How does the declension of Debüt work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Debüt | die Debüts |
Genitive | des Debüts | der Debüts |
Dative | dem Debüt | den Debüts |
Akkusative | das Debüt | die Debüts |
What is the meaning of Debüt in German?
Debüt is defined as:
[1] First appearance
[1] erstes AuftretenHow to use Debüt in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Debüt with translations in English.
[1] Der Sänger gab sein Debüt.
[1] The singer made his debut[1] „Auch der Q8 ist ein Crossover, er wird vornehmlich elektrisch und per Plug-in-Hybrid angetrieben, Debüt wahrscheinlich nicht vor 2018.“
[1] "The Q8 is also a crossover, it is primarily powered by electrical and plug-in hybrid, probably not before 2018 Ä"[1] „Im langersehnten Augenblick seines wissenschaftlichen Debüts konnte er es nicht lassen, sich an seine Landsleute zu wenden.“
[1] "In the long -awaited moment of his scientific debut, he couldn't leave it to turn to his compatriots"[1] „Nach diesem schiefgegangenen Debüt wollte ihn der Pfarrer nie wieder am Altar sehen.“
[1] "After this crooked debut, the pastor never wanted to see him again at the altar"[1] „Nach einem solchen Debüt ist es kein Wunder, dass Canetti nun auch Dramen schreibt.“
[1] "After such a debut, it is no wonder that Canetti now also writes dramas"