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Is it der, die or das DSV?



The correct article in German of DSV is der. So it is der DSV! (nominative case)

The word DSV is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of DSV?

How does the declension of DSV work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der DSV
Genitive des DSV
Dative dem DSV
Akkusative den DSV

What is the meaning of DSV in German?

DSV has various definitions in German:

[1] German Swimming Association/German Swimming Association

[1] Deutscher Schwimmverband/Deutscher Schwimm-Verband

[2] German Ski Association

[2] Deutscher Skiverband

[3] German Sailing Association/German Sailing Association

[3] Deutscher Seglerverband/Deutscher Segler-Verband

How to use DSV in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using DSV with translations in English.

[1] „»Beim DSV passiert nichts. Beim DSV hat sich nichts verändert, und niemand will Veränderungen. Wir verschwenden viel Zeit, die wir nicht haben.«“

[1] ““ Nothing at the DSV has changed at the DSV, and nobody wants to change. We waste a lot of time that we don't have. ""

[2] Der DSV schickte keinen Teilnehmer zur Olympia-Abfahrt der Männer nach Sotschi.

[2] The DSV did not send a participant for the men's Olympic departure to Sochie

[3] „Theorie ist wichtig, aber der DSV sollte schleunigst die Anforderungen für die praktischen A- und BR-Schein-Prüfungen heraufsetzen.“

[3] "Theory is important, but the DSV should quickly put on the requirements for the practical A and BR certificates"