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Is it der, die or das Döner?



The correct article in German of Döner is der. So it is der Döner! (nominative case)

The word Döner is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Döner?

How does the declension of Döner work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Döner die Döner
Genitive des Döners der Döner
Dative dem Döner den Dönern
Akkusative den Döner die Döner

What is the meaning of Döner in German?

Döner has various definitions in German:

[1] Gastronomy, short form: Turkish dish, originally made of mutton or lamb, in Germany often also beef or poultry meat, which cut into small thin slices, whipped up on a vertical shooting game, grumbled up by the side of the grills, gradually in small Cooked pieces cut off and served with different side dishes on the plate

[1] Gastronomie, Kurzform: türkisches Gericht, ursprünglich aus Hammel- oder Lammfleisch, in Deutschland oft auch Rind- oder Geflügelfleisch, das in kleine dünne Scheiben geschnitten, an einem senkrechten Drehspiel überlappend aufgespießt, mittels seitlichen Grills gegart, nach und nach in kleinen garen Stücken abgeschnitten und mit unterschiedlichen Beilagen auf dem Teller serviert wird.

[2] Gastronomy, short form: To "Doner Kebab in Bread" (Turkish: "Pide Arası Doner"), a fast food dish prepared [1], in which the meat together with vegetables and sauce in a cut Floor bread ("pide") is presented

[2] Gastronomie, Kurzform: zu „Döner Kebab im Brot“ (türkisch: „pide arası döner“), einem unter Verwendung von [1] zubereitetem Fast-Food-Gericht, bei dem das Fleisch zusammen mit Gemüse und Soße in einem aufgeschnittenen Fladenbrot („pide“) dargereicht wird.

How to use Döner in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Döner with translations in English.

[1] Einen Döner, bitte.

[1] A kebab, please

[1] „Manchmal plaudere ich mit den Verkäufern, wenn ich mir in Kreuzberg einen Döner kaufe.“

[1] "Sometimes I chat with the sellers when I buy a kebab in Kreuzberg"

[1] „Der Hotdog ist in Island das, was in Berlin der Döner ist.“

[1] "The hot dog is in Iceland what is what the Döner ISTEE in Berlin"