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Is it der, die or das Cricket?



The correct article in German of Cricket is das. So it is das Cricket! (nominative case)

The word Cricket is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Cricket?

How does the declension of Cricket work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Cricket
Genitive des Crickets
Dative dem Cricket
Akkusative das Cricket

What is the meaning of Cricket in German?

Cricket is defined as:

[1] Sport: Ball sport between two teams, in which a player tries to change opposing goals with a ball, and a player of the opposing team tries to hit this ball with a punch as far as possible to score points

[1] Sport: Ballsportart zwischen zwei Mannschaften, bei dem ein Spieler versucht, mit einem Ball gegnerische Tore umzuwerfen, und ein Spieler der gegnerischen Mannschaft versucht diesen Ball mit einem Schlagholz möglichst weit ins Feld zu schlagen, um Punkte zu erzielen

How to use Cricket in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Cricket with translations in English.

[1] Beim Cricket besteht eine Mannschaft aus 11 Spielern.

[1] With the cricket, a team consists of 11 player

[1] „Auf Langeoog beginnt das Schlagballturnier, ein Sport, der für mich ebenso rätselhaft ist wie Cricket.“

[1] "On Langeoog the blanket tournament begins, a sport that is just as puzzling for me as Cricketience"

Pictures or photos of Cricket

[1] Cricketspiel
[1] Cricketspiel