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Is it der, die or das Creek?



The correct article in German of Creek is der. So it is der Creek! (nominative case)

The word Creek is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Creek?

How does the declension of Creek work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Creek die Creek
Genitive des Creek der Creek
Dative dem Creek den Creek
Akkusative den Creek die Creek

What is the meaning of Creek in German?

Creek has various definitions in German:

[1] Only Plural: an Indian Nervolk, an Indian tribe that is located in the southeast of the USA

[1] nur Plural: ein Indianervolk, ein Indianerstamm, der im Südosten der USA ansässig ist

[2] A member of the Indian nervols of the same name

[2] ein Angehöriger des gleichnamigen Indianervolks

How to use Creek in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Creek with translations in English.

[1] „Er war aus England eingewandert, lebte unter den Creek und heiratete die Tochter eines Häuptlings.“

[1] "He had immigrated from England, lived under the Creek and married the daughter of a chief" "

[1] „Einen ganz ähnlichen Mythos kennen die nordamerikanischen Indianerstämme der Creek und Cherokee.“

[1] "The North American Indian tribes of the Creek and CherokeeÄ know a very similar myth"

[2] „Unter diesen Kriegern fand unser Creek einige seiner rothen Brüder – Schawnees- und Delawares-Indianer, die von den fernen Gränzen von Missouri hergewandert waren.“

[2] "Among these warriors, our Creek found some of his red brothers- Schawnees and Delawares Indians who hiked from the distant burrows of Missouri" "

[2] „Schließlich nahmen einige der Creek doch noch am Krieg teil.“

[2] "After all, some of the creek still took part in the war"