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Is it der, die or das County?




The correct article in German of County is das or die. So it is das or die County! (nominative case)

The word County is neuter or feminine, therefore the correct article is das or die.

German declension of County?

How does the declension of County work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominative das County die County die Countys
Genitive des Countys der County der Countys
Dative dem County der County den Countys
Akkusative das County die County die Countys

What is the meaning of County in German?

County has various definitions in German:

[1] Grafschaft as a traditional court and administrative district in the United Kingdom and Ireland, according to which the corresponding modern administrative districts are named

[1] Grafschaft als traditioneller Gerichts- und Verwaltungsbezirk im Vereinigten Königreich und Irland, nach dem der entsprechende moderne Verwaltungsbezirke benannt ist

[2] Middle judicial and administrative district in the United States

[2] mittlerer Gerichts- und Verwaltungsbezirk in den USA

How to use County in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using County with translations in English.

[1] „1974 wurden in Wales 47 Districts als Untergliederungen von acht Counties gebildet.“

[1] "In 1974 in Wales 47 Districts were formed as subdivisions of eight counties"

[2] „Im Wald aufgewachsen, gab es keinen besseren Jäger im ganzen County als ihn.“

[2] "Growing up in the forest, there was no better hunter in the whole County than him"