Is it der, die or das Cottage?
The correct article in German of Cottage is das. So it is das Cottage! (nominative case)
The word Cottage is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Cottage?
How does the declension of Cottage work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Cottage | die Cottages |
Genitive | des Cottage | der Cottages |
Dative | dem Cottage | den Cottages |
Akkusative | das Cottage | die Cottages |
What is the meaning of Cottage in German?
Cottage has various definitions in German:
[1] House/house in the country
[1] Haus/Häuschen auf dem Land[2] Villas in Vienna
[2] Villenviertel in WienHow to use Cottage in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Cottage with translations in English.
[1] „Ein Cottage, in dem eine berühmte Dichterin geboren worden war, hatte man zu einem Museum ihres Lebens umgewandelt.“
[1] "A cottage in which a famous poet was born, they had been converted into a museum of her life"[2] „Das Cottage umfasste 1961 84,27 Hektar Nettobauland mit 6644 Bewohnern.“
[2] "In 1961 the Cottage comprised 84.27 hectares of Nettobauland with 6644 residents"[2] „An sich geht es in der Ottakringer Cottage am Fuß des Wilhelminenbergs ähnlich beschaulich zu wie in anderen Speckgürtellagen Wiens: Bis auf den einen oder anderen Heurigen werden hier die Trottoirs raufgeklappt, sobald die Dunkelheit hereinbricht.“
[2] "In itself, the Ottakringer Cottage at the foot of the Wilhelminenberg is just as tranquil as in other bacon agencies in Vienna: Except for one or the other heurigen, the sidewalks are folded up here as soon as the darkness breaks out"