Is it der, die or das Computer?

The correct article in German of Computer is der. So it is der Computer! (nominative case)
The word Computer is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Computer?
How does the declension of Computer work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Computer | die Computer |
Genitive | des Computers | der Computer |
Dative | dem Computer | den Computern |
Akkusative | den Computer | die Computer |
What is the meaning of Computer in German?
Computer is defined as:
[1] Electronics, information technology: electronic, programmable device for inputting, processing and outputting data
[1] Elektronik, Informationstechnologie: elektronisches, programmierbares Gerät zur Eingabe, Verarbeitung und Ausgabe von DatenHow to use Computer in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Computer with translations in English.
[1] Computer gibt es in allen Größen: Vom Supercomputer, größer als ein Haus, der das Klima vorhersagt, bis zum Fahrradcomputer, der in die Hosentasche passt.
[1] Computers come in all sizes: from supercomputers, larger than a house, which predicts the climate, to cycle computers that fit in your pocket.[1] Mit dem Computer lassen sich Berechnungen in Sekunden durchführen, für die Adam Riese Jahrzehnte gebraucht hätte.
[1] With the computer, calculations can be carried out in seconds that would have taken Adam Riese decades .[1] Dieser Computer ist nicht leistungsfähig genug für neue Computerspiele.
[1] This computer is not powerful enough for new computer games.[1] Eine häufige Anwendung des Computers ist das Surfen im Internet.
[1] A common use of the computer is to surf the Internet.[1] Wer am Computer sitzt vergisst schnell die Zeit.
[1] Whoever sits at the computer quickly forgets the time.[1] „Es tat gut, den kleinen Computer in der Hand zu halten.“[4]
[1] "It was good to hold the little computer in my hand." [4][2] „Ich frage Leute auf der Straße, in der U-Bahn, im Büro, alle woll'n Computer haben, keiner weiß genau wieso.“[5]
[2] "I ask people on the street, in the subway, in the office, they all want a computer, nobody knows exactly why." [5]Pictures or photos of Computer
![[1] Desktop-Computer mit Bildschirm und Tastatur](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=EC1835_C_cut.jpg)