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Is it der, die or das Coach?



The correct article in German of Coach is der. So it is der Coach! (nominative case)

The word Coach is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

Test your knowledge!

Choose the correct article.





German declension of Coach?

How does the declension of Coach work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Coach die Coachs
Genitive des Coach des Coachs der Coachs
Dative dem Coach den Coachs
Akkusative den Coach die Coachs

What is the meaning of Coach in German?

Coach is defined as:

[1] Sport: someone who trains and supervises a person or team

[1] Sport: jemand, der eine Person oder Mannschaft trainiert und betreut

How to use Coach in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Coach with translations in English.

[1] „Dabei wirkte der Coach der Ukraine jedoch nicht wie ein Trainer, dessen Team eben gegen einen der Turnierfavoriten verloren hat, auch wenn der den Beweis dafür dessen in diversen Phasen des Spiels schuldig geblieben war.“

[1] "However, the Ukraine coach did not look like a trainer whose team just lost against one of the tournament favorites, even if he was guilty of proof of this in various phases of the game"

[1] „Als Shiffrin im Teenageralter zur US-Mannschaft stieß, übte sie zweitweise allein mit ihren Coaches – man wollte die anderen Frauen nicht zu sehr frustrieren.“

[1] "When Shiffrin joined the US team as a shiffrine in teenagers, she practiced secondly with her coaches-you didn't want the other women too frustrating" "

Pictures or photos of Coach

[1] Dagur Sigurðsson, 2009 Coach der österreichischen Handballauswahl
[1] Dagur Sigurðsson, 2009 Coach der österreichischen Handballauswahl