Is it der, die or das Chronik?
The correct article in German of Chronik is die. So it is die Chronik! (nominative case)
The word Chronik is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Chronik?
How does the declension of Chronik work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Chronik | die Chroniken |
Genitive | der Chronik | der Chroniken |
Dative | der Chronik | den Chroniken |
Akkusative | die Chronik | die Chroniken |
What is the meaning of Chronik in German?
Chronik is defined as:
[1] Historical, historical representation
[1] geschichtliche, historische DarstellungHow to use Chronik in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chronik with translations in English.
[1] In der Chronik werden Ereignisse der Geschichte erzählt.
[1] In the chronicle, events of history are told[1] „Eine mittelalterliche Chronik berichtet, wie der Fürst in den Städten seines Reiches Gotteshäuser errichten und Gemeinden gründen lässt.“
[1] "A medieval chronicle reports, as the prince in the cities of his kingdom builds places of worship and establishes municipalities"[1] „Er wehrte zunächst ab, als ihm der Wirt die Chronik brachte; doch dann nahm er sie doch und schlug den Sommer nach, in dem er auf seine erste Professur berufen worden war.“
[1] "He initially fended off when the landlord brought him the chronicle but then he took it and added the summer in which he was appointed to his first professorship"[1] „Es wurden nicht einmal Annalen und Chroniken festgehalten.“
[1] "Not even annals and chronicles were held"[1] „Die Chroniken sind erfindungsreich.“
[1] "The chronicles are inventive"