Is it der, die or das Chor?
The correct article in German of Chor is der. So it is der Chor! (nominative case)
The word Chor is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The plural forms chore and choirs are outdated and today completely unbroken
Context 1
German declension of Chor?
How does the declension of Chor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 | Plural 3 |
Nominative | der Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
Genitive | des Chores des Chors | der Chöre | der Chore | der Choren |
Dative | dem Chor dem Chore | den Chören | den Choren | den Choren |
Akkusative | den Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
What is the meaning of Chor in German?
Chor has various definitions in German:
[1] Music: Ensemble of singers who jointly presents choral works
[1] Musik: Ensemble von Sängern, das gemeinsam Chorwerke vorträgt[2] Music: group of similar or the same musical instruments and their players
[2] Musik: Gruppe ähnlicher oder gleicher Musikinstrumente und ihrer Spieler[3] Music: music piece that is presented by a choir (see [1])
[3] Musik: Musikstück, das von einem Chor (siehe [1]) dargeboten wird[4] Music: Common singing of several singers
[4] Musik: gemeinsamer Gesang von mehreren Sängerinnen und Sängern[5] Music: strings that are equally right
[5] Musik: Saiten, die gleich gestimmt sind[6] Music: (In the mixed voices of the organ) the whistling belonging to a button
[6] Musik: (bei den gemischten Stimmen der Orgel) die zu einer Taste gehörenden Pfeifen[7] Theater: Actor group that comments on the events on stage
[7] Theater: Schauspielergruppe, die das Geschehen auf der Bühne kommentiertHow to use Chor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chor with translations in English.
[1] Der Chor sucht neue Sänger.
[1] The choir is looking for a new singing[1] „Marie singt auch sehr schön; jedem Chor würde sie zur Zierde gereichen.“
[1] "Marie also sings very commanded every choir, she would go to the decorative" "[2] Der Posaunenchor besteht aus mehreren Tuben, Posaunen, Hörnern und Trompeten.
[2] The trombone choir consists of several tubes, trombones, horns and trumpets[3] In der Matthäuspassion werden besonders die Chöre geschätzt.
[3] In the Matthew Passion, the choirs are particularly valued[3] Das Lied 'Va, pensiero' ist einer der berühmtesten Chöre der Operngeschichte.
[3] The song 'Va, Pensiero' is one of the most famous choirs in the Opera History[4] Chor und Orgel harmonieren perfekt.
[4] Choir and organ harmonize perfect[5] Bis 1500 hatten Lauten vier oder fünf, danach zunächst sechs Chöre.
[5] to 1500 had loud four or five, then six choirs initially[6] Ein gut geschulter Organist kann den Chor 'Blockflöte' wählen, um den Klang des gleichnamigen Holzblasinstruments nachzuahmen.
[6] A well -trained organist can choose the choir 'recorder' to recreate the sound of the woodwind instrument of the same name[7] In der antiken Tragödie gibt es einen Chor.
[7] In the ancient tragedy there is a choirIs it der, die or das Chor?
The correct article in German of Chor is der or das. So it is der or das Chor! (nominative case)
The word Chor is masculine or neuter, therefore the correct article is der or das.
The word is rarely used as a neutrum
Context 2
German declension of Chor?
How does the declension of Chor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural 1 | Plural 2 | Plural 3 |
Nominative | der Chor | das Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
Genitive | des Chores des Chors | des Chores des Chors | der Chöre | der Chore | der Choren |
Dative | dem Chor dem Chore | dem Chor dem Chore | den Chören | den Choren | den Choren |
Akkusative | den Chor | das Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
What is the meaning of Chor in German?
Chor has various definitions in German:
[1] Architecture: Altar room in churches
[1] Architektur: Altarraum in Kirchen[2] Square for the singers on the organ gallery
[2] Platz für die Sänger auf der OrgelemporeHow to use Chor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chor with translations in English.
[1] Im Chor befinden sich zu wenig Stühle.
[1] There are too few chairs in the choir[2] Sonntags waren die beiden Sänger immer da, auf dem Chor der Pfarrkirche.
The two singers were always there on Sundays, on the choir of the parish churchIs it der, die or das Chor?
The correct article in German of Chor is das. So it is das Chor! (nominative case)
The word Chor is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
The plural forms chore and choirs are outdated and today completely unbroken
Context 3
German declension of Chor?
How does the declension of Chor work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural 1 | Plural 2 | Plural 3 |
Nominative | das Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
Genitive | des Chores des Chors | der Chöre | der Chore | der Choren |
Dative | dem Chor dem Chore | den Chören | den Choren | den Choren |
Akkusative | das Chor | die Chöre | die Chore | die Choren |
What is the meaning of Chor in German?
Chor has various definitions in German:
[1] scenic, pejorative, only singular: rabble, pack
[1] landschaftlich, abwertend, nur Singular: Gesindel, Pack[2] Octed: General a circle, a round, a lot
[2] veraltet: allgemein ein Kreis, ein Reigen, eine MengeHow to use Chor in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chor with translations in English.
[1] Dieses liederliche Chor treibt sich schon wieder vor unserem Haus herum.
[1] This dissolute choir is already going around in front of our house[2] Er schwelgt in einem Chor der stillen Freuden.
[2] He indulges in a choir of the quiet joyPictures or photos of Chor
![[1] ein Chor bei einem Konzert](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Wiener_Saengerknaben.jpg)