Is it der, die or das Chirurg?

The correct article in German of Chirurg is der. So it is der Chirurg! (nominative case)
The word Chirurg is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
The "standard pronunciation", which is usually used alone in dictionaries, is [çiˈʁʊʁk] . [ʃiˈʁʊʁk], following the classic principles of pronunciation of <ch> in the initial [1], mainly Central German, East German; but actually throughout the Federal Republic of Germany as well
German declension of Chirurg?
How does the declension of Chirurg work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Chirurg | die Chirurgen |
Genitive | des Chirurgen | der Chirurgen |
Dative | dem Chirurgen | den Chirurgen |
Akkusative | den Chirurgen | die Chirurgen |
What is the meaning of Chirurg in German?
Chirurg is defined as:
[1] Medicine: Specialist in surgical treatment
[1] Medizin: Facharzt für operative HeilbehandlungHow to use Chirurg in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chirurg with translations in English.
[1] Knochenbrüche sind eine Aufgabe für Chirurgen.
[1] Fractures are a job for surgeons.[1] „Valenti besaß jene Selbstsicherheit, die für berühmte Chirurgen charakteristisch ist, und er war ein vollendeter Showmann.“[5]
[1] "Valenti had the self-assurance that is characteristic of famous surgeons, and he was an accomplished showman." [5][1] „Bei stark übergewichtigen Menschen können Chirurgen den Magen verkleinern, damit weniger Nahrung hineinpasst.“[6]
[1] "In very overweight people, surgeons can make the stomach smaller so that less food can fit in." [6][1] „Keine zehn Minuten später streckt mir ein jüngerer Chirurg seine verschwitzte Hand entgegen.“[7]
[1] “Less than ten minutes later, a younger surgeon holds out his sweaty hand to me” [7]