Is it der, die or das Chaussee?
The correct article in German of Chaussee is die. So it is die Chaussee! (nominative case)
The word Chaussee is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Chaussee?
How does the declension of Chaussee work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Chaussee | die Chausseen |
Genitive | der Chaussee | der Chausseen |
Dative | der Chaussee | den Chausseen |
Akkusative | die Chaussee | die Chausseen |
What is the meaning of Chaussee in German?
Chaussee has various definitions in German:
[1] Octed: a fortified road outside of towns, country road
[1] veraltet: eine befestigte Straße außerhalb von Ortschaften, Landstraße[2] Part of street names
[2] Teil von StraßennamenHow to use Chaussee in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Chaussee with translations in English.
[1] Der alte Brandenburger behauptete, man müsse nur der Chaussee Richtung Süden folgen, um ans Ziel zu gelangen.
[1] The old Brandenburger claimed that only the Chaussee towards the south was to follow to get to the destination[1] „Sein Blick streifte indessen unruhig von dem Bahngleis, das von Staffelstein heraufführte, nach der Lichtenfelser Chaussee hinüber, deren weißer Streifen scharf gegen den dunklen Hintergrund des Waldes abstach – und dort kam ein Wagen herunter.“
[1] "However, his gaze, however, troubled from the railway track, which was carried out by Staffelstein, after the Lichtenfelser Chaussee, whose white stripes stripped sharply against the dark background of the forest - and a car came down"[1] „Wir reiten auf der Chaussee in der Richtung Dachau weiter.“
[1] "We continue on the Chaussee in the direction of Dachau"[1] „Geäst zieht an meinen Augen vorüber, teils von den angrenzenden Wäldern, teils von ehrwürdig alten Alleebäumen über die Chaussee gewölbt.“
[1] "branches pass on my eyes, partly from the adjacent forests, partly of venerable old all trees over the Chaussee" vaulted ""[2] Die Bibliothek befindet sich auf der Berliner Chaussee.
[2] The library is located on Berlin's ChausseeäPictures or photos of Chaussee
![[1] Chaussee über den Sankt Gotthard](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Gotthard_alte_Strasse.jpg)