Is it der, die or das Cello?
The correct article in German of Cello is das. So it is das Cello! (nominative case)
The word Cello is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Cello?
How does the declension of Cello work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Cello | die Celli |
Genitive | des Cellos | der Celli |
Dative | dem Cello | den Celli |
Akkusative | das Cello | die Celli |
What is the meaning of Cello in German?
Cello is defined as:
[1] Second largest instrument of the family of string instruments
[1] zweitgrößtes Instrument der Familie der StreichinstrumenteHow to use Cello in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Cello with translations in English.
[1] „Die Geige oder das Cello muss auf den Spieler persönlich eingestellt werden.“
[1] "The violin or the cello must be adjusted personally to the player"[1] „Bis Celli, Cellisten, Koffer, Kisten, Taschen in den zugeteilten Stockwerken sind, ist die Zeit gekommen, bis zu der wieder alles unten sein muss, um die Proben pünktlich zu erreichen.“
[1] "Until cellists, cases, suitcases, boxes, bags are on the allocated floors, the time has come until everything has to be down again to reach the samples on time"[1] „Die menschliche Stimme des Cellos, das im Klang jedes andere Instrument übertrifft, ging mir zu Herzen, wenn Henriette es spielte, und sie wußte es.“
[1] "The human voice of the cello, which exceeds any other instrument in the sound, went to heart when Henriette played it, and she knew it"