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Is it der, die or das Celle?


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German declension of Celle?

How does the declension of Celle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative (das) Celle
Genitive (des Celle) (des Celles) Celles
Dative (dem) Celle
Akkusative (das) Celle

What is the meaning of Celle in German?

Celle is defined as:

[1] A city in Lower Saxony, Germany

[1] eine Stadt in Niedersachsen, Deutschland

How to use Celle in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Celle with translations in English.

[1] Der Literaturhistoriker Karl Friedrich Ludwig Goedeke wurde in Celle geboren.

[1] The literary historian Karl Friedrich Ludwig Goedeke was born in Celle

[1] „Die lange Tradition Celles als Standort militärischer Einrichtungen begann bereits Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Errichtung der Cambridge-Dragoner-Kaserne sowie der Infanteriekaserne.“

[1] "The long tradition of Celles as the location of military institutions began in the mid-19esh century with the construction of the Cambridge dragoons barracks and the infantry barracks."