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Is it der, die or das Café?



The correct article in German of Café is das. So it is das Café! (nominative case)

The word Café is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

The spelling coffee is used for the designation of the products made from the seeds of the coffee plant (coffee beans, coffee powder, instant coffee) and the drink made from it

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German declension of Café?

How does the declension of Café work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Café die Cafés
Genitive des Cafés der Cafés
Dative dem Café den Cafés
Akkusative das Café die Cafés

What is the meaning of Café in German?

Café is defined as:

[1] restaurant where coffee and cake are mainly offered

[1] Gaststätte, in der vor allem Kaffee und Kuchen angeboten werden

How to use Café in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Café with translations in English.

[1] Ich saß in einem Café und las eine Zeitung.

[1] I was sitting in a café and reading a newspaper

[1] „Am Ende seines Lebens, das er eine Tragödie in 55 Akten nannte, klagte der 55jährige Oscar Wilde aus seinem Pariser Exil, er schreibe nun schon in einem Cafè, wo es keine Tinte mehr gebe.“

[1] "At the end of his life, which he called a tragedy in 55 files, 55 -year -old Oscar Wilde from his Parisian exile complained, he is already writing in a café where there was no more ink"

[1] „Wir trafen uns wieder im Café Het Loosje bei der alten Waage.“

[1] "We met again at the Café Het Loosje at the old Liblyan"

[1] „Noch war der Abend jung, so beschloss ich, mich in ein Café in der Innenstadt zu setzen und den Stand meiner Reise durchzugehen.“

[1] "The evening was still young, I decided to sit down in a café in the city center and to go through the status of my trip"

[1] „Auf der Suche nach einem Café kamen sie an einem Supermarkt vorbei.“

[1] "In search of a café, they passed a supermarket"