Is it der, die or das Bürgerinitiative?
The correct article in German of Bürgerinitiative is die. So it is die Bürgerinitiative! (nominative case)
The word Bürgerinitiative is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Bürgerinitiative?
How does the declension of Bürgerinitiative work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Bürgerinitiative | die Bürgerinitiativen |
Genitive | der Bürgerinitiative | der Bürgerinitiativen |
Dative | der Bürgerinitiative | den Bürgerinitiativen |
Akkusative | die Bürgerinitiative | die Bürgerinitiativen |
What is the meaning of Bürgerinitiative in German?
Bürgerinitiative is defined as:
[1] CONCLUSION OF COMMANISTS FOR represent their interests
[1] Zusammenschluss von Bürgern zur Vertretung ihrer InteressenHow to use Bürgerinitiative in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bürgerinitiative with translations in English.
[1] „Die Unterschriftenaktion gehört traditionellerweise zum Aktionsrepertoire der Neuen sozialen Bewegungen und von Bürgerinitiativen, findet jedoch auch außerhalb dieser ihre Anwendung.“
[1] "The signature campaign traditionally belongs to the repertoire of the new social movements and citizens' initiatives, but also finds its application outside of them"[1] „Um das Trauerimage ihrer Stadt aufzupolieren, erinnerte eine Bürgerinitiative 2011 an einen Sohn der Stadt, der zu weltweitem Ruhm kam.“
[1] "In order to polish up the mourning image of her city, a citizens' initiative in 2011 recalled a son of the city who became a worldwide fame" "[1] „Die Sachsenhäuser Bürgerinitiative vollzieht eine Kehrtwende: Sie will sich jetzt für ganzheitliche Lösungen der Verkehrsprobleme am Mainufer von Frankfurt einsetzen.“
[1] "The Sachsenhausen Citizens' Initiative is making a turnaround: it now wants to use the traffic problems of the traffic problems on the banks of the Main of Frankfurt" for holistic solutions of the traffic problems "