Is it der, die or das Bus?

The correct article in German of Bus is der. So it is der Bus! (nominative case)
The word Bus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Like the underlying Latin word omnibus → la, “Autobus”, “Omnibus” and the short form “Bus” are only written with an -s in the nominative, dative and accusative singular, although the genitive singular and the plural forms are formed with double s
Context 1
German declension of Bus?
How does the declension of Bus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Bus | die Busse |
Genitive | des Busses | der Busse |
Dative | dem Bus dem Busse | den Bussen |
Akkusative | den Bus | die Busse |
What is the meaning of Bus in German?
Bus is defined as:
[1] Means of transport: Large, multi-seated motor vehicle used as a means of transport in local public transport to transport a large number of people
[1] Verkehrsmittel: als Verkehrsmittel im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr eingesetztes vielsitziges, großes Kraftfahrzeug zur Beförderung einer größeren Anzahl von PersonenHow to use Bus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bus with translations in English.
[1] Ich habe leider den Bus verpasst.
[1] Unfortunately I missed the bus.[1] „Der Bus hielt, der Junge lief hin und tatschte auf die Tür. Plötzlich standen da zwei Busse. Der Busfahrer, der gerade vor dem Bus stand, war ganz verwirrt. Er wusste nicht mehr, in welchen Bus er einsteigen sollte.“[4]
[1] “The bus stopped, the boy ran over and patted the door . Suddenly there were two buses.[1] „‚Der Bus kommt gleich‘. ‚Ich kann nicht so schnell‘, sagt Paul. […]Gerade noch rechtzeitig erreichen sie den Bus.“[5]
[1] "'The bus is coming soon‘.' I can't go that fast," says Paul.[1] „KW hat ein für Kanada ordentliches öffentliches Verkehrssystem, an einem Wintersonntag kann es aber sein, dass man eine Stunde bei minus 30 Grad auf den Bus warten muss.“[6]
[1] "KW has a decent public transport system for Canada, but on a winter Sunday you might have to wait an hour for the bus at minus 30 degrees ." [6][1] „Die Busse durchqueren Bethlehem, das fast vollständig von der umstrittenen israelischen Sperranlage eingeschlossen ist.“[7]
[1] "The buses cross Bethlehem, which is almost completely enclosed by the controversial Israeli barrier ." [7][1] „Das ist ein Teil des in Ägypten allgegenwärtigen Problems der sexuellen Belästigung, die jede Frau in Bussen, auf der Straße und am Arbeitsplatz erfährt.“[8]
[1] "This is part of the ubiquitous problem of sexual harassment that every woman experiences in Egypt on buses, on the street and in the workplace." [8][1] „Eingeschlossen sind Verpflegung, Unterbringung, Fahrt im klimatisierten Bus sowie Eintrittsgebühren.“[9]
[1] "Includes food, accommodation, travel in an air-conditioned bus and entrance fees." [9][1] „Insgesamt 23 der 44 Passagiere des Busses wurden verletzt.“[10]
[1] "A total of 23 of the 44 passengers on the bus were injured." [10]Is it der, die or das Bus?

The correct article in German of Bus is die or der. So it is die or der Bus! (nominative case)
The word Bus is feminine or masculine, therefore the correct article is die or der.
It is possible that the only definite Afrikaans article, the → af, contributed to understanding this word primarily as a feminine word . [1]
Context 2
German declension of Bus?
How does the declension of Bus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular 1 | Singular 2 | Plural |
Nominative | die Bus | der Bus | die Buses |
Genitive | der Bus | des Buses | der Buses |
Dative | der Bus | dem Bus | den Buses |
Akkusative | die Bus | den Bus | die Buses |
What is the meaning of Bus in German?
Bus has various definitions in German:
[1] used as a means of transport in local public transport, multi-seated, large motor vehicle for the transport of a large number of people
[1] als Verkehrsmittel im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr eingesetztes vielsitziges, großes Kraftfahrzeug zur Beförderung einer größeren Anzahl von Personen[2] A multi-seat, large motor vehicle driven by an overhead line and used as an electric means of transport in local public transport for the transport of a large number of people
[2] über eine Oberleitung angetriebenes, als elektrisches Verkehrsmittel im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr eingesetztes vielsitziges, großes Kraftfahrzeug zur Beförderung einer größeren Anzahl von PersonenHow to use Bus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bus with translations in English.
[1] Da, die Bus kommt.
[1] There, the bus is coming .[2]
[2]Is it der, die or das Bus?

The correct article in German of Bus is der. So it is der Bus! (nominative case)
The word Bus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Context 3
German declension of Bus?
How does the declension of Bus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Bus | die Busse |
Genitive | des Busses | der Busse |
Dative | dem Bus | den Bussen |
Akkusative | den Bus | die Busse |
What is the meaning of Bus in German?
Bus is defined as:
[1] EDP: technical management system with associated control components
[1] EDV: technisches Leitungssystem mit zugehörigen SteuerungskomponentenHow to use Bus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bus with translations in English.
[1] Der Bus hat eine Datenbreite von 16 Bit.
[1] The bus has a data width of 16 bit.[1] „Durch eine Standardisierung der Belegung der einzelnen Leitungen des Busses wird prinzipiell auch die Erweiterung des Rechnersystems mit zusätzlichen Funktionseinheiten möglich.“[6]
[1] "By standardizing the assignment of the individual lines of the bus, it is in principle also possible to expand the computer system with additional functional units ." [6][1] „Der Mikrokanal unterschied sich von den vorgängigen Bussystemen – der Bus ist das Leitungssystem zum Datenaustausch zwischen den einzelnen Teilen des Systems – für XT- und AT-Computer nicht allein durch die von 16 auf 32 Bit erhöhte Busbreite.“[7]
[1] "The microchannel differed from the previous bus systems - the bus is the line system for data exchange between the individual parts of the system - for XT and AT computers not only because of the increased bus width from 16 to 32 bits." [7][1] „Moderne Systeme besitzen mehrere Busse mit unterschiedlichen Übertragungsraten und Funktionen“[8]
[1] "Modern systems have several buses with different transmission rates and functions" [8]Is it der, die or das Bus?

The correct article in German of Bus is der. So it is der Bus! (nominative case)
The word Bus is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
Unfortunately, Küpper does not give any information on the inflectional pattern of the lemma, so the use of a plural form had to be deliberately avoided here
Context 4
German declension of Bus?
How does the declension of Bus work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Bus | — |
Genitive | des Bus | — |
Dative | dem Bus | — |
Akkusative | den Bus | — |
What is the meaning of Bus in German?
Bus is defined as:
[1] Colloquial, especially Austrian obsolete: male person who is homosexual
[1] umgangssprachlich, besonders österreichisch veraltend: männliche Person, die homosexuell veranlagt istHow to use Bus in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bus with translations in English.
[1] „Die Ausgrenzung von Menschen, die gleichgeschlechtlichen Verkehr ausüben, spiegelt sich in den Bezeichnungen wider: […]In den Formen Bus, Buserant und Buserin sind Ausdrücke dieser Wortfamilie noch in unserem Jahrhundert in Österreich für Homosexuelle und Homosexualität verwendet worden.“[3]
[1] "The exclusion of people who engage in same-sex intercourse is reflected in the terms: [...] In the forms of bus, buserant and buserin, expressions from this family of words were still used in Austria in our century for homosexuals and homosexuality."