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Is it der, die or das Bundesfinanzminister?



The correct article in German of Bundesfinanzminister is der. So it is der Bundesfinanzminister! (nominative case)

The word Bundesfinanzminister is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Bundesfinanzminister?

How does the declension of Bundesfinanzminister work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Bundesfinanzminister die Bundesfinanzminister
Genitive des Bundesfinanzministers der Bundesfinanzminister
Dative dem Bundesfinanzminister den Bundesfinanzministern
Akkusative den Bundesfinanzminister die Bundesfinanzminister

What is the meaning of Bundesfinanzminister in German?

Bundesfinanzminister is defined as:

[1] Politics: Head of the Federal Ministry of Finance

[1] Politik: Leiter des Bundesministeriums für Finanzen

How to use Bundesfinanzminister in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Bundesfinanzminister with translations in English.

[1] „Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble hat das Bankengeheimnis für faktisch erledigt erklärt.“

[1] "Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble has declared the banking secret for factually"

[1] „Bis 2018 würden insgesamt zehn Milliarden Euro zusätzlich investiert, ohne neue Schulden machen zu müssen, kündigte Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) an.“

[1] "By 2018, a total of ten billion euros would be invested in addition without having to make new debts, Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) announced Anä"