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Is it der, die or das Bukarester?



The correct article in German of Bukarester is der. So it is der Bukarester! (nominative case)

The word Bukarester is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Bukarester?

How does the declension of Bukarester work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Bukarester die Bukarester
Genitive des Bukaresters der Bukarester
Dative dem Bukarester den Bukarestern
Akkusative den Bukarester die Bukarester

What is the meaning of Bukarester in German?

Bukarester is defined as:

[1] inhabitants of the city of Bucharest

[1] Einwohner der Stadt Bukarest

How to use Bukarester in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Bukarester with translations in English.

[1] „Denselben Umstand beobachtet Ionescu-Gion, der 1899 über die ‚überwältigende‘ Präsenz von Ausländern und über die außerordentliche ‚Lebenslust der Bukarester‘ schrieb […].“

[1] "Ionescu-Gion observes the same fact, which wrote in 1899 about the 'overwhelming' presence of foreigners and about the extraordinary 'zest for life of the Bucharester' [...] Ä"

[1] „Die näheren Bekannten kommentieren, einige mit Bedauern, andere schadenfroh: sie leidet die Arme, wegen des Bukaresters, in den letzten 2 Jahren hat sie so selten gelacht — sie hat großen Kummer, der läßt sie hier vertrocknen.“

[1] "The closer acquaintances comment, some with regret, others harmful: she suffers her arms, because of the Bucharester, she has laughed so rarely in the past 2 years - she has great grief, which lets her dry"