Is it der, die or das Brotkorb?
The correct article in German of Brotkorb is der. So it is der Brotkorb! (nominative case)
The word Brotkorb is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Brotkorb?
How does the declension of Brotkorb work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Brotkorb | die Brotkörbe |
Genitive | des Brotkorbes des Brotkorbs | der Brotkörbe |
Dative | dem Brotkorb dem Brotkorbe | den Brotkörben |
Akkusative | den Brotkorb | die Brotkörbe |
What is the meaning of Brotkorb in German?
Brotkorb is defined as:
[1] basket where bread or other baked goods are kept
[1] Korb, in dem Brot oder andere Backwaren aufbewahrt werdenHow to use Brotkorb in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Brotkorb with translations in English.
[1] „Kannst du mir bitte den Brotkorb reichen?“
[1] "Can you please me the bread basket Reichenääe"[1] „Sonja steht, von uns abgewandt, am Tisch und ist gerade dabei, Schrippen in einen großen Brotkorb zu füllen.“
[1] "Sonja, turned away from us, stands at the table and is currently in the process of pouring in a large bread basket"[1] „Almuth plünderte erneut den Brotkorb so gierig, als fürchte sie, zu verhungern.“
[1] "Almuth looted the bread basket as greedy again as if she feared to starve"