Is it der, die or das Brezel?
The correct article in German of Brezel is die or das. So it is die or das Brezel! (nominative case)
The word Brezel is feminine or neuter, therefore the correct article is die or das.
The standard language use and the assignment of meaning are very regionally different in the Swiss -speaking area in meanings [1] - [3] Brezel and Bretzel (both with feminine genus [the]) are used in importance [2]. 3] Often the reduction in red (t) zeli (with neutral genus [das]). In Austria, the term is primarily for [2] and with a neutral article (that) is common, meaning [1] is expressed (as in southern east Germany) by pretzel or pretzels. In Germany, brezel is in use except in the southeast [1] (with feminine gender).
German declension of Brezel?
How does the declension of Brezel work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Brezel | die Brezeln |
Genitive | der Brezel | der Brezeln |
Dative | der Brezel | den Brezeln |
Akkusative | die Brezel | die Brezeln |
What is the meaning of Brezel in German?
Brezel has various definitions in German:
[1] Larger things sprinkled with salt or sugar sprinkled or sugar biscuits, the form of which resembles letters B
[1] größeres mit Salz beziehungsweise Zucker bestreutes Laugen- oder Zuckergebäck, dessen Form dem Buchstaben B ähnelt[2] Nabber pastries, which is modeled in its form of a pretzel [1]
[2] Knabbergebäck, das in seiner Form einer Brezel [1] nachempfunden ist[3] Switzerland: kind waffle, thin, crispy sweets or salty, also seasoned with caraway seeds
[3] Schweiz: Art Waffel, dünnes, knuspriges, im Waffeleisen hergestelltes süßes oder salziges, auch mit Kümmel gewürztes GebäckHow to use Brezel in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Brezel with translations in English.
[1] Das alte Zunftzeichen der Bäcker ist die Brezel.
[1] The old guild sign of the baker is the pretzele[1] „Das Wort Brezel heißt überall auf der Welt gleich: Brezel oder Pretzel – das begreifen wir in diesem Augenblick.“
[1] "The word pretzel is the same everywhere in the world: pretzel or pretzel - we understand that this moment"[2] Zum Bier gibts Salzstangen, Chips und Brezel.
[2] For beer there are salt sticks, chips and pretzele[3] „Ob süss oder pikant, ob Taler oder Cornet: Mit dem Brezelieisen «Knusper-Träumli» werden alle Brezeli-Träume wahr!“
[3] "Whether sweet or spicy, whether thaler or cornet: with the pretzelieise" Knusper-Traumli "all Brezeli dreams become true"Pictures or photos of Brezel
![[1] eine Brezel](https://der-die-das-train.com/api/image?file=Pretzel_01-14.jpg)