Is it der, die or das Bouquet?
The correct article in German of Bouquet is das. So it is das Bouquet! (nominative case)
The word Bouquet is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.
German declension of Bouquet?
How does the declension of Bouquet work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | das Bouquet | die Bouquets |
Genitive | des Bouquets | der Bouquets |
Dative | dem Bouquet | den Bouquets |
Akkusative | das Bouquet | die Bouquets |
What is the meaning of Bouquet in German?
Bouquet has various definitions in German:
[1] Larger bouquet
[1] größerer Blumenstrauß[2] Viticulture, transferred: The whole of attractive, pleasant scents of a good wine
[2] Weinbau, übertragen: die Gesamtheit reizvoller, angenehmer Düfte eines guten WeinesHow to use Bouquet in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bouquet with translations in English.
[1] „Prinz Friedrich Karl führte darauf die Dame an das Coupé des Kaisers, worauf dieselbe dem hohen Herrn das Bouquet überreichte.“
[1] "Prince Friedrich Karl then led the lady to the coupé of the emperor, whereupon it handed over the high Lord the bouquet"[2] „Weil die Tische recht eng beieinander stehen, kann es allerdings schon mal sein, dass das Parfüm der Dame am Nebentisch sich mit dem Bouquet des eigenen Weins vermischt und man mehr vom Nebentischgespräch mitbekommt, als einem lieb ist.“
[2] "Because the tables are quite close together, however, it can be that the perfume of the lady at the next table mixes with the bouquet of your own wine and you can get more from the side table talk than a love"[2] „Wir schweben in einem schwachen Aroma, in einem Bouquet aus Musik, während er redet.“
[2] "We hover in a weak aroma, in a bouquet of music while he talked"