Is it der, die or das Bootshalle?
The correct article in German of Bootshalle is die. So it is die Bootshalle! (nominative case)
The word Bootshalle is feminine, therefore the correct article is die.
German declension of Bootshalle?
How does the declension of Bootshalle work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | die Bootshalle | die Bootshallen |
Genitive | der Bootshalle | der Bootshallen |
Dative | der Bootshalle | den Bootshallen |
Akkusative | die Bootshalle | die Bootshallen |
What is the meaning of Bootshalle in German?
Bootshalle is defined as:
[1] Large and high lounge and storage room on the ground floor for boats
[1] großer und hoher Aufenthalts- und Lagerraum im Erdgeschoss für BooteHow to use Bootshalle in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Bootshalle with translations in English.
[1] In der Bootshalle lagern in den Wintermonaten die Boote und sie werden dort auch instand gesetzt.
[1] The boats are stored in the boat hall in the winter months and they are also repaired there[1] „Die Bootshalle steht im Gewerbegebiet in Isenbüttel.“
[1] "The boat hall is in the industrial area in Isenbüttele"[1] „Alle Planungen für eine Bootshalle müssen unveränderbare Maße berücksichtigen, unverzichtbare Räume zur Verfügung stellen und sollten folgenden Ablauf haben:[…]“
[1] "All plans for a boat hall must take unchangeable dimensions into account, provide indispensable rooms and should have the following process: [...]"[1] „Der WSC Loga verfügt über eine eigene Bootshalle an der Fährstraße in Loga in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Leda.“
[1] "The WSC Loga has its own boat hall on Fährstraße in Loga in the immediate vicinity of the Ledae" "[1] „Die im Jahr 2001 errichtete Bootshalle ist in ihrer Konstruktion an skandinavische Vorbilder angelehnt.“
[1] "The boat hall built in 2001 is in its construction to Scandinavian role models"