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Is it der, die or das Bombardement?



The correct article in German of Bombardement is das. So it is das Bombardement! (nominative case)

The word Bombardement is neuter, therefore the correct article is das.

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German declension of Bombardement?

How does the declension of Bombardement work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative das Bombardement die Bombardements
Genitive des Bombardements der Bombardements
Dative dem Bombardement den Bombardements
Akkusative das Bombardement die Bombardements

What is the meaning of Bombardement in German?

Bombardement is defined as:

[1] Once attack with heavy guns or from the air with bombs

[1] andauernder Angriff mit schwerem Geschütz oder aus der Luft mit Bomben

How to use Bombardement in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Bombardement with translations in English.

[1] „Eine Stunde vor Dunkelwerden beginnt die Artillerie ein abtastendes Sperrfeuer, das sich immer mehr an die feindlichen Gräben heranschiebt und sich schließlich in einem fünfzehn Minuten dauernden Bombardement darauf konzentriert.“

[1] "One hour before dark, the artillery begins a scanning barrier that is increasingly putting on the enemy trenches and finally concentrating on it in a fifteen minutes of bombing" "

[1] „Nach den Bombardements vom 6. November und 28. Dezember 1944 glich Koblenz einer Geisterstadt.“

[1] "After the bombing of November 6th and December 28, 1944, Koblenz was like a ghost town."

[1] „Für die Bevölkerung waren die gelegentlichen Bombardements eine Herausforderung, vor allem aber ein Spektakel.“

[1] "For the population, the occasional bombings were a challenge, but above all a spectacle"

[1] „Dieser war im Koreakrieg nach den Bombardements als vermisst gemeldet worden, in Wirklichkeit aber nach Südkorea geflohen.“

[1] "In the Korean War, this was reported to the Bombardments, but in reality in reality to South Korea" "