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Is it der, die or das Blechschaden?



The correct article in German of Blechschaden is der. So it is der Blechschaden! (nominative case)

The word Blechschaden is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Blechschaden?

How does the declension of Blechschaden work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Blechschaden die Blechschäden
Genitive des Blechschadens der Blechschäden
Dative dem Blechschaden den Blechschäden
Akkusative den Blechschaden die Blechschäden

What is the meaning of Blechschaden in German?

Blechschaden is defined as:

[1] Damage in the event of a traffic accident in which only material damage and no personal injury are to be complained about

[1] Schaden bei einem Verkehrsunfall, bei dem nur materielle Schäden und keine Personenschäden zu beklagen sind

How to use Blechschaden in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Blechschaden with translations in English.

[1] Bei dem Unfall entstand nur ein geringer Blechschaden in Höhe von ein paar hundert Euro.

[1] In the accident, only low sheet metal damage in the amount of a few hundred euros was created

[1] „Auf Stau folgte wilde Raserei, auf Raserei folgten Blechschäden und erneute Staus.“

[1] "Wild frenzy followed, followed by sheet metal damage and another traffic jam"