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Is it der, die or das Billigflieger?



The correct article in German of Billigflieger is der. So it is der Billigflieger! (nominative case)

The word Billigflieger is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.

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German declension of Billigflieger?

How does the declension of Billigflieger work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:

1 Singular Plural
Nominative der Billigflieger die Billigflieger
Genitive des Billigfliegers der Billigflieger
Dative dem Billigflieger den Billigfliegern
Akkusative den Billigflieger die Billigflieger

What is the meaning of Billigflieger in German?

Billigflieger is defined as:

[1] Airline that offers their flights at very low prices or one of their aircraft

[1] Fluggesellschaft, die ihre Flüge zu sehr niedrigen Preisen anbietet, oder eines ihrer Flugzeuge

How to use Billigflieger in a sentence?

Example sentences in German using Billigflieger with translations in English.

[1] Viele Urlauber erreichen ihr Ziel mit Billigfliegern.

[1] Many vacationers reach their destination with low -cost airline

[1] „Dann fing er an, auf diese verdammten Billigflieger zu schimpfen, in denen man zwischen halb vertrottelten Beamten wie in Sardinenbüchsen eingeklemmt hockte, und schwor, nie wieder wolle er sich auf diese Weise eingeengt fühlen.“

[1] "Then he started scolding these damned low -cost airlines, in which one crashed between half -ruddled civil servants as in sardine trees, and swore, he never wanted to feel confined again in this way"

[1] „Nach einer erneuten Boardkarten-Kontrolle verlassen die drei vermeintlich blinden Passagiere den Billigflieger.“

[1] "After a new board card check, the three supposedly blind passengers leave the low-flyer"