Is it der, die or das Beinbruch?
The correct article in German of Beinbruch is der. So it is der Beinbruch! (nominative case)
The word Beinbruch is masculine, therefore the correct article is der.
German declension of Beinbruch?
How does the declension of Beinbruch work in the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive cases? Here you can find all forms in the singular as well as in the plural:
1 | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | der Beinbruch | die Beinbrüche |
Genitive | des Beinbruches des Beinbruchs | der Beinbrüche |
Dative | dem Beinbruch dem Beinbruche | den Beinbrüchen |
Akkusative | den Beinbruch | die Beinbrüche |
What is the meaning of Beinbruch in German?
Beinbruch has various definitions in German:
[1] Medicine: Break of a bone
[1] Medizin: Bruch eines Knochens[2] Medicine: break, i.e. violation of a leg bone
[2] Medizin: Bruch, also Verletzung eines Beinknochens[3] Translated: In connection with a negation: misfortune
[3] übertragen: in Zusammenhang mit einer Verneinung: UnglückHow to use Beinbruch in a sentence?
Example sentences in German using Beinbruch with translations in English.
[1] „Die XC. Observation oder Warnehmung. Vor einem Beinbruch am Arm bey einem alten Mann, und desselben Heylung, inwelchem von Vortreffligkeit unnd Ursprung deß SteinsBeinwell gehandlet wird.“
[1] “XCE Observation or Warming. In front of a broken leg on the arm of an old man, and the same heyto, in the mentally of the first origin of the stone well. "[2] Das Ergebnis dieses Unfalls war ein Beinbruch.
[2] The result of this accident was a broken broken[3] Das ist noch lange kein Beinbruch.
[3] This is far from